March 15, 2018 — Xbox One gamers looking for a highly maneuverable air-combat action experience on the big screen can now play Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China using Thrustmaster's T.Flight Hotas One flight-stick and TFRP pedals.
Today’s Xbox One Content Update for Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China (FTSOC) makes full use of the T.Flight Hotas One design, which sports adjustable stick resistance, a large hand rest for comfort, as well as a dual rudder system (Hotas is short for “Hands-On Throttle And Stick”). Also, the full-sized throttle control is detachable and offers a level of personal customization that makes aircraft in FTSOC highly maneuverable.
Based on the historical events of America’s secret volunteer squadrons that helped defend China in World War 2, ACE MADDOX’ Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China now fully supports the T.Flight Hotas One and TFRP rudders and is available on the Xbox Store as a digital download for $18.99 USD/€18.99 EUR/£15.19 GBP.
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Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China is rated M for Mature by the ESRB (Violence, Blood, Strong Language), PEGI 16 in Europe, MA15+ (Strong coarse language) in Australia, and CERO B (12+) in Japan.
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China (FTSOC) is an air-combat action game based on the historical events of America’s volunteer squadrons that defended Southeast Asia in the China-Burma-India (CBI) Theatre of World War 2 (aka the Second Sino-Japanese War). Secretly recruited under President Roosevelt’s administration before the US entered WW2 following the Attack on Pearl Harbor, the “Flying Tigers” were officially known as the 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG) and consisted of three pursuit squadrons with only 99 P-40 fighters.
Specializing in action games based on true stories and real heroes, Sweden-born ACE MADDOX is an international game company operating remotely with a staff of specialized contractors in more than 10 countries across Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Australia. Visit for more info or follow @AirCombatAction on Twitter.
About Thrustmaster
Guillemot Corporation is a designer and manufacturer of interactive entertainment hardware and accessories. The Group offers a diversified range of products under the Hercules and Thrustmaster brand names. Active in this market since 1984, the Guillemot Corporation Group is currently present in 25 countries (including France, Germany, the UK, the United States, Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Spain, Romania, and Italy) and distributes its products in more than 85 countries worldwide. The Group’s mission is to offer high-performance, ergonomic products that maximize the enjoyment of digital interactive entertainment end users.
Thrustmaster® is a registered trademark of Guillemot Corporation S.A. All other trademarks and brand names are hereby acknowledged and are property of their respective owners. Illustrations not binding. Contents, designs, and specifications are subject to change without notice and may vary from one country to another.
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